
The Projects section of my portfolio highlights a range of personal projects that I have created, some of which are currently live and others that are hosted on my Git repository. These projects reflect my creativity and dedication to developing innovative solutions that are both functional and visually appealing. While some of the projects may be in their early stages of development, they represent my ability to take on new challenges and push the boundaries of what is possible. Whether a project is live or still in progress, I am committed to refining my skills and producing work that demonstrates my passion for development.

Status: Live

Get My IP  

HTML CSS Javascript TailwindCSS DaisyUI Astro React Go

Get My IP is a free, public API that allows you to get your public IPv4 or IPv6 address. There is no rate limiting, no logs are kept and servers are powered by renewable energy.

Status: Live

Bean Warz  

HTML CSS Javascript Astro Godot

BeanWarz is a first person multiplayer online shooter game.

Status: Demo

Shooty Arena  

HTML CSS Javascript NextJS React SQL

Shooty Arena is an online multiplayer platformer shooter game. You can battle, compete with friends and rank up on the leaderboards. I built this as my final computer science project for my A-Levels.

A-Level Documentation Submission PDF